Week 6 Post Bariatric Surgery Instructions

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

In the sixth week or one and a half months after bariatric surgery, let’s focus on acid reflux, a common complaint of people with gastric sleeve. We will also focus on fitness.

Week 6 Post Bariatric Surgery Acid Reflux

For gastric sleeve patients, in particular, you may be experiencing acid reflux, especially with more solid food consumption the past couple of weeks. Acid reflux is alternatively known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

This negative side effect is likely related to the pressure changes that occur in the stomach after bariatric surgery.

Tips to Ease Symptoms of Acid Reflux After VSG

According to Lee and Almaiki, here are some lifestyle changes that can help lessen the symptoms. [1]“American Journal of General and GI Surgery” Wel-Jel Lee and Oswald Almalki, Department of Surgery-National Taiwan University and Taif University, Saudi Arabia. Published 18 June, 2018
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  • Evaluate if certain foods or drinks trigger reflux for yourself.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Pay attention to fullness cues and stop eating at the first sign of fullness or satiety. After surgery, this may be a subtle tightening in your stomach.
  • Elevate your head in the evenings with multiple pillows or a special mattress/wedge pillow.
  • Avoid nicotine and strictly limit alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid lying down after a meal. Ideally, wait for 3 hours.

Common food triggers include alcohol, fried foods, tomato or marinara sauce, caffeine, garlic, onions, orange juice and other acidic beverages, chocolate, and mint/peppermint.

Fitness in Week 6

Contact your physician about starting to do more physical activity. By this week, most patients are cleared to begin a more aggressive workout regimen and can lift more than 10 lbs. 

It is important to include regular exercise in your lifestyle to not only aid in weight loss but also to maintain skeletal muscle, cardiac health, aid in strong mental health and stress reduction.

Start gradually and listen to your body. Being slightly uncomfortable and winded is a normal part of any exercise regimen, but unbearable pain is not.

Tip of the Week

How can you tell if you are drinking enough water and other liquids during the day?

Your urine will be clear to light yellow and you should be eliminating 5-10 times during the day if you are adequately hydrated.

Your goal is at least 64 oz of fluid, but 80 oz or more is even better. Try to drink at least 1 cup of water or other hydrating liquid for every 2 hours that you are awake.

  1. American Journal of General and GI Surgery” Wel-Jel Lee and Oswald Almalki, Department of Surgery-National Taiwan University and Taif University, Saudi Arabia. Published 18 June, 2018

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