Ways to Get Your Family On Board with Healthy Eating

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

Question: My family is not 100% on board with making healthier changes at home before I have bariatric surgery. How do I eat healthily, but still try to give everybody the food that they want to?

Our US-registered Dietitian Katelyn Mock answers:

This is probably one of the most difficult areas for patients before and after surgery. You are ready to make the changes for a healthier life, but your family or loved ones are not.

Start by having a frank and open discussion on why you need their support and willingness for everyone to start trying to be healthier. Explain that this not only benefits you, but also benefits everyone in the family.

It is important to remember that all foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle. This means that you don’t have to get rid of some of your families favorite foods, but find ways to incorporate healthier foods with them or have those foods in smaller amounts.


  • Pizza Night: Make a big salad to go with it. Order more veggies as toppings.
  • Burgers on the Grill: Grill some zucchini, mushrooms, onions, etc for a delicious side dish or burger toppings.
  • Put a plate of raw vegetables and hummus out to snack on before dinner is ready.
  • Instead of buying the 12oz cans of soda, opt for the smaller 8oz. Instead of keeping dessert or snack items on the counter, put out a fruit bowl with apples, oranges, bananas, or peaches

When people see healthier foods and a loved one enjoying the food, over time they are more willing to try it and like it.

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